Utility Bills: Hello Cascade Residents, I am sorry to inform you that the utility bills will be delayed a bit longer. The timeline is unsure as we are still experiencing the same software issues as we did last quarter. I assure you we are working on this with the utilility software provider to the best of our ability. Like last quarter, the due date will be reflected by the date the bills actually get sent, so no need to worry about late fees. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibilty as we work through these issues, hopefully for the last time!


2024/2025 Hwy 28 Resurfacing/Cascade Bridge Project

Recently the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) held a meeting with local officials from Sheboygan County and village/townships along a 13.4 mile stretch of Hwy 28 to discuss an upcoming project to address pavement deterioration, outdated guardrails, and replacing the bridge over the North Branch of the Milwaukee River in Cascade. The project planning is at the very initial stages with many details to be figured out, but we wanted to give village residents an update on this upcoming project. 


  • The project will be done on a 13.4 mile stretch of Hwy 28 from the south Sheboygan County line to the Hwy 57 intersection in Waldo. 
  • Mill/overlay of the existing asphalt pavement
  • Beam guard replacements
  • Culvert repairs and replacements
  • Shoulder aggregate
  • Pavement markings 
  • Replacement of bridge over the North Branch of the Milwaukee River in Cascade
  • More details can be found on the project website: https://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/projects/by-region/ne/wis28cascade/default.aspx

The project is tentatively scheduled for 2025, with the possibility of advancing it to 2024 based on other project completions. 

Hwy 28 will be open to traffic during the majority of the project, as they will work on one side at a time with flaggers to direct traffic. The onlly time they will need to close Hwy 28 will be during the demolition and construction of the new bridge in Cascade. The DOT will be reaching out to local residents impacted by the construction over the coming months.

For more information or questions regarding this project please reach out to the below contacts:

Kimberly Slezak, P.E., Project Manager
WisDOT – Northeast Region
944 Vanderperren Way
Green Bay, WI 54304
Phone (920) 492-4131
Email: [email protected]

Robert Wagner, P.E., Project Supervisor
WisDOT – Northeast Region
944 Vanderperren Way
Green Bay, WI 54304
Phone (920) 445-9925
Email: [email protected]


Emergency Alert 10-28-2024: Starting November 4th The DPW will be flushing hydrants located on dead ends.