Utility Bills: Hello Cascade Residents, I am sorry to inform you that the utility bills will be delayed a bit longer. The timeline is unsure as we are still experiencing the same software issues as we did last quarter. I assure you we are working on this with the utilility software provider to the best of our ability. Like last quarter, the due date will be reflected by the date the bills actually get sent, so no need to worry about late fees. Thank you for your continued patience and flexibilty as we work through these issues, hopefully for the last time!


Additional In-Person Property Tax Payment Dates

Due to the release of the tax bills being later than normal this year Karel will be adding additional in-person property tax payment times/days. She will be at the Cascade Village Hall today, December 27th from 9-12, along with tomorrow, December 28th and Friday, December 29th, from 9-12 am.

**Update: Karel has added Saturday, December 30th hours for in-person tax collection at the Cascade Village Hall from 9-12 in the morning. 

As a reminder taxes are accepted any time by mail or by using the drop box at Cascade Village Hall. Taxes can be paid by check only and should be made payable to: Village of Cascade. No change will be handled at the hall. If your escrow check is in excess of your tax bill, a refund will be mailed to the taxpayer within 10 days.

Emergency Alert 10-28-2024: Starting November 4th The DPW will be flushing hydrants located on dead ends.